April 27, 2020

Update from LLG

Recent Activities and AGM 2020


Dear LLG Member:

 These are unsettling times as the COVID-19 pandemic impacts all of us in our personal and professional lives.  I extend my sincere best wishes to all of you during this difficult period and provide you with an update on current LLG initiatives.

Our group continues to be actively involved on many fronts; however, due to the restrictions on face-to-face engagement, we are making extensive use of telephone conferences and online meetings as necessary.

During the first part of this year we have focused on two major initiatives:

 1. Website Upgrade -- Refreshing our Livingstone Landowners Group website by moving to a more modern interface that enables us to quickly update information and to introduce new features such as online payments and donations.  The site is expected to go live shortly (we will send you an email notification when it is up at our existing livingstonelandowners.net web address).

2. Grassy Mountain Coal Project -- A joint federal/provincial review committee is continuing to consider submissions related to the Benga Mining Proposal for a large, mountain top coal strip mining operation near Blairmore.  We have serious concerns related to the environmental and human health impact, particularly given the large proposed footprint and the additional coal project potential in the same area if this project is approved.  We currently need project donations to help fund the technical studies and preparation of evidence by expert resources.  See our website for more detail.

Annual General Meeting 2020

The COVID-19 restrictions on face-to-face meetings means that we will need to take a non-traditional approach to our annual general meeting which is normally held in early May. This year we will be conducting the meeting through an email/mail process.

Members will be sent key documents by e-mail, including: Minutes of the 2019 AGM, the President’s report and the Treasurer’s report and will be asked to confirm their acceptance or rejection through an online vote. The Board of Directors for 2020-2021 will need to be elected through the same process.

Since we will not have a physical meeting at which Board nominations can be made, please submit personal interest or nominations for Board positions by email to: info@livingstonelandowners.net by Friday, May 8.  Please include a brief statement on the nominated individual’s background and highlight any specific skills and experience relevant to our mission and goals.

You will receive a complete AGM package by e-mail in mid-May along with a process for voting on each of the required items.  We are looking to have the process complete prior to the end of May.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at info@livingstonelandowners.net

Thank you for your continued support and flexibility as we continue to address items of interest and concern to all our members.


Bill Trafford, President, LLG